
Insert interval for contig

Note this differs from the other trees in the package in inclusion of "contig" parameter, because underlying cgranges has built-in hashmap and essentially stores multiple trees. Passing a \0-terminated C string contig will be faster than passing a D string or char[], due to the need to call toStringz before calling the C API.

last param "label" of cr_add not used by cgranges as of 2019-05-04

  1. cr_intv_t* insert(S contig, IntervalType* i, bool trackGC, bool GCptr)
  2. cr_intv_t* insert(S contig, IntervalType i, bool trackGC)
    struct IITree(IntervalType)
    IntervalType i
    bool trackGC = true
    if (
    isSomeString!S ||
    is(S : const(char)*)
    if (
    __traits(hasMember, IntervalType, "start") &&
    __traits(hasMember, IntervalType, "end")
  3. cr_intv_t* insert(I i, bool trackGC)
  4. cr_intv_t* insert(const(char)* contig, T start, T end)



string-like contig name (if absent will pass "default" to cr_add)

i IntervalType

IntervalType or IntervalType*

trackGC bool

(Default true) add i to the GC scanned ranges. see discussion
