Insert a node to the tree
Will update Node .max values on the way down
@param interval Interval: IntervalType to insert (in) @param cnt number of nodes smaller than or equal to _x_; can be NULL (out)
@return _node*_ if not present in the tree, or the node* equal to interval I.
Cannot be @safe due to call to @system std.experimental.allocator.make Cannot use @trusted escape for make as delegates are gc-allocating(?)
See Implementation
Insert a node to the tree
Will update Node .max values on the way down
@param interval Interval: IntervalType to insert (in) @param cnt number of nodes smaller than or equal to _x_; can be NULL (out)
@return _node*_ if not present in the tree, or the node* equal to interval I.
Cannot be @safe due to call to @system std.experimental.allocator.make Cannot use @trusted escape for make as delegates are gc-allocating(?)