1 module intervaltree;
3 /// Interval with zero-based, half-open coordinates
4 /// Any other Interval struct (or class?) OK
5 /// as long as it contains "start" and "end"
6 struct BasicInterval(T)
7 {
8     T start;  /// zero-based half-open
9     T end;    /// zero-based half-open
11     /// override the <, <=, >, >= operators; we'll use compiler generated default opEqual
12     @safe
13     @nogc nothrow
14     int opCmp(const ref BasicInterval other) const 
15     {		
16 		if (this.start < other.start) return -1;
17 		else if(this.start > other.start) return 1;
18 		else if(this.start == other.start && this.end < other.end) return -1;	// comes third as should be less common
19 		else if(this.start == other.start && this.end > other.end) return 1;
20 		else return 0;	// would be reached in case of equality
21     }
22     /// override <, <=, >, >= to compare directly to int: compare only the start coordinate
23     @nogc nothrow
24     T opCmp(const T other) const 
25     {
26         return this.start - other;
27     }
29     string toString() const
30 	{
31         import std.format : format;
32 		return format("[%d, %d)", this.start, this.end);
33 	}
35     invariant
36     {
37         assert(this.start <= this.end);
38     }
39 }
41 /** Detect overlap between this interval and other given interval
42     in a half-open coordinate system [start, end)
44 Top-level function template for reuse by many types of Interval objects
45 Template type parameter Interval Type must have {start, end}
46 Still usable with member-function style due to UFCS: interval.overlaps(other)
48 return true in any of the following four situations:
49     int1   =====    =======
50     int2  =======  =======
52     int1  =======  =======
53     int2    ===      =======
55 return false in any other scenario:
56     int1  =====       |       =====
57     int2       =====  |  =====
59 NOTE that in half-open coordinates [start, end)
60  i1.end == i2.start => Adjacent, but NO overlap
61 */
62 @nogc pure @safe nothrow
63 bool overlaps(IntervalType1, IntervalType2)(IntervalType1 int1, IntervalType2 int2)
64 if (__traits(hasMember, IntervalType1, "start") &&
65     __traits(hasMember, IntervalType1, "end") &&
66     __traits(hasMember, IntervalType2, "start") &&
67     __traits(hasMember, IntervalType2, "end"))
68 {
69     // DMD cannot inline this
70     version(LDC) pragma(inline, true);
71     version(GNU) pragma(inline, true);
72     if (int2.start < int1.end && int1.start < int2.end) return true;
73     else return false;
74 }